Of course I get angry doesn’t everyone? Everyone does get angry, but not everyone is addicted to the rage of anger.

If you are questioning your anger addiction, the following are samples of questions taken from the Anger Busting Self-Assessment Quiz that can assist you find the answer:

  • I don’t always show my anger but when I do, look out.
  • I still get angry when I think of the bad things people did to me in the past.
  • I get angry with myself when I lose control of my emotions.
  • I sometimes lie awake at night thinking about the things that upset me during the day.
  • I’ve been so angry at times I couldn’t remember what I said or did.

A rageaholic continues to express rage regardless of the negative consequences, despite all judgment, or reason. They are addicted to their expression of anger as written by John Brandshaw, author of Healing The Shame That Binds You.

Compulsion or loss of control is the inability to stop expressing anger once it has begun. The inability to control angry words is a certain sign of rageaholic behavior. When control is lost, we may reach a point of no return not knowing how far we will go with our behavior.   In an effort to feel better, the paradox to addictions, such as rage, over-eating or alcohol abuse, only makes the individual feel worse.

Are you ready to draw a line in the sand, stop old behavior patterns and learn a new set of ABCs?   Are you ready to learn powerful techniques for managing anger and saving relationships?   Then Anger Busting 101 is for you.

For additional information call 561 372-8434