Follow the….

It has been proven time and time again if you follow the money you will find the culprit.   And, so it is with our unconscious thoughts. If we, you and I,  follow our actions, we will uncover our words.  And, if we follow our words, we will find the culprit – our thoughts. As Commodore […]

Did you know?

Did you know the first to apologize is the BRAVEST,  the first to forgive the STRONGEST and the first forget the HAPPIEST?

5 Steps for Today

5 steps to experience less conflict in your day: Be quick to hear – when we listen actively we uncover new ideas Be slow to speak – it’s one thing to be thought a _______it’s another to open the mouth and prove it Don’t be quick to take offense – take nothing personally, hurting people […]

Want to Improve Relationsips?

10 steps to improve relationships with ourselves first then with others: Be humble Acknowledge the Power within greater than ourselves Stop the reactive cycle – Pause, Pray, Listen, Process then Proceed Know the intention behind your thoughts, words and actions Apologize sooner rather than later Forgive yourself, then make different choices Seek to resolve differences […]

A Question

Most could pick up a 1 or 2-pound weight of anything.  BUT, what if we were asked to hold that 1 or 2 pound anything for a few hours or 1 day or 2 weeks or even years, could we?  A better question is why would we? Life offers us many experiences that weigh us […]

Practice and See

There are many reasons to practice being in the present moment. The following are only three: 1. When we practice being in the moment, we are giving and receiving self-care, compassion and self love. 2. When we practice being present, we seek to understand, resolve conflicts and avoid new ones. 3. When we practice being […]

What to do?

When unsure of taking the next steps or choosing a direction, the question that often comes up in our inner being is, “What do I do?” And, when we ask ourselves what do I do, we are assuming we know the answer.  RIGHT?.  Well in fact we do.  It’s called our God given intuition.  The […]

How to avoid OVERWHELM

The word ‘OVERWHELM’ is a term we are hearing more now than ever before.  It is a term that describes a feeling of being buried under a huge amount of _____(you can fill in the blank).    We, you and I, will experience the feeling of being overwhelmed at some or many points of our […]

What’s stopping us?

What can we do when our lives resemble a river full of unexpected logs blocking our go?     We can choose one or all of the following: climb over them go around them build on them But, the following choices are not options:  turn around  stop

Just for today…

Today we, you and I, get to restart our engines.  AND, before we get rolling into our day, take a moment to ask two very important questions:  How loud will I allow my mind chatter to get today?  What is my intended outcome for today? How we respond will be our GPS starting point.  So […]

If then……

There are many IF WE KNEW then we would…..but for now, let’s begin with the following three: If we knew then how we showed up in life, at work, in our neighborboods or at home, would effect our next steps, would we have showed up as unmotivated, unfriendly, resistant to listen, love and learn? If […]

Did you know about loss?

Loss means many things to many people.  For some it’s the loss of a loved one or  employment, for others it may be the loss of a friendship or a marriage.  And, although we consciously feel the loss, subconsciously the experience of loss means so much more. For example, the impact of losing a loved […]


One of the best reason to live in the here and now is we, you and I, will not miss the gifts and blessings today has for us. So today, be present, aware, alert, thankful and ready to receive. .


What happens when we, you and I, get confused, worried or fearful?   We keep talking, we talk to ourselves and others.  But, if we are talking, how can we hear or listen? Mindful meditation is a practice that allows us to pause long enough to drop from our incessant chattering minds down to our hearts […]

Need to de-stress?

Do you have a minute or two?   Then join me in the following 7 steps to relax and refresh: Repeat, I breathe in fully and out completely knowing I am safe in this moment to allow the Creator’s loving, healing energy to surround my mind and heart. I relax my shoulders.   I breathe in fully […]

What are we creating?

We are always creating. And, to create a harmonious sound from music, a musician must learn to play along with other musicians. And, to create a world filled with wonder, we must learn to listen, understand and love one another. Look around and see, listen and hear what you have created up to now.   Then, […]

How did we do?

How committed are we to self-care?   Respond to the following 3 questions and find out:  Are we present and aware of our internal conversations or do we allow our default mode conversations to take over?  When needed, are we sending ourselves healing words of comfort, understanding and kindness or are our words harsh, blaming and […]


Everyday tasks can be stressful.   Research links living continually stressed, in a hyper-vigilant state,  breaks down our immune system causing us to be more susceptible to illness and disease.  To prevent depleting physically, emotionally and mentally from our everyday obligations, have self-care practice. A self-care practice can be as easy as a warm bath, a […]

Resolve conflicts before…..

We will at times find ourselves conflicted about this person, place or thing.  And, unless confronted, conflicts do not go away. The following strategic steps will help resolve conflict: Recognize there is a conflict.  Many choose to ignore it, but it won’t go away.  Some will make excuses for it, but it won’t go away.  […]


A definition of the word consequence is a result or effect of something that occurred earlier. A good reminder – with every decision, choice, we make there is an outcome – a consequence.  No judgment, no criticism, just an outcome.    Some consequences will be beneficial and some will not. So the next time we are […]

The Domino Effect

Don’t like this or that?  Stuck in reaction?  Change it, you can do it by simply changing the relationship we perceive or have attached to this or that. When our perceptions change the representation of this and that in our minds change.  When the representation changes, our reactions change. It’s a domino effect and works […]

Are you in the game?

You and I were born to win.  However, many do not believe this statement and show up to play the game of life half-hearted and even defeated. When basketball players are on the court, they are not questioning the challenging height of the hoop or focusing on their opposition.  They are in it to win,  […]


There seems to be less and less of what we can control.   And, this one thing we can be assured of is people forget what we say but always remember how we made them feel. So, how do you want to be remembered?  Is it for the time you listened to someone who was hurting […]

Ever Wonder

Have you ever wondered how it’s possible to feel your heart beat and forget to be grateful for your health?  Or, to sit down to a hot breakfast on a cold rainy morning after getting out of a warm bed and forget to give thanks? How is this possible to have so much yet forget […]

A Rose

God must have known love would hurt at times.  He must have known people would experience hurtful memories then try to forget and forgive. Perhaps that’s why there are thorns on a rose.  A reminder that love is bittersweet and never dies.

How curious are we?

So how curious are we? It is curiosity that keep stretching the minds of scientists and today we have traveled to Mars. It is curiosity that leads medical professionals to uncover and continue to uncover cures for dis-ease. It is curiosity that leads businessmen like Elon Musk to discover cars that do not run on […]

We believe?

What do we believe? Do we believe life is more than roadblocks, broken dreams, heartaches? Do we believe everyone is Divinely guided and loved equally? Do we believe everyone receives what they believe, think and talk about all the time? If you never asked yourself a question or did and blew off the answer, today […]

Just DO It!

I am often reminded by inspirational writers such as William A Ward, to stop thinking and talking about _____________ and JUST DO IT! Do more than get angry, create like MADD organizer Candy Lightner. Do more than care, help like Mother Teresa. Do more than believe, practice like Martin L King. Do more than forgive, […]

From Ordinary to Extraordinary

When we are ready to give up living the ordinary, no longer think and say YEAH BUT, then we will: stop playing small honor our boundaries cease from living yesterday’s experiences detach from our attachments give up blame and judgment live from the heart trust our God-given intuition AND live the extraordinary.

Where are we going?

Let’s look at where we are going?   Oh, that question assumes we know where we are going right?  So do we, you and I,  know where we are going? A footprint is created by taking one step, a scarf with one stitch at a time and,  a life is created with a single vision. Don’t know where […]


Vincent van Gogh a famous painter among influential figures in the history of Western art reminds us to paint our dreams, not just dream our dreams.

Mapping it’s worth it!

Mapping our experiences is important for 3 reasons: It helps us see where we’ve been It helps us decide if we want to experience this or that again and, It helps us choose a different path Socrates reminds us an unexamined life is not worth much.   Take time to map out your experiences.  You […]

Faith is…..

Faith for me is: Recognizing an experience or event for what it is and not ask why. Believing in my hopes and dreams even when there is no evidence. Suspending my judgments. Believing that in everything there is a purpose even when I don’t understand. Accepting life is for me. Knowing that something bigger than […]

The Inner Screaming Child……

Did you know, we will implode or explode if we continue to ignore the need for self-compassion and love? So the next time we are feeling frustrated, annoyed with ourselves and everyone, PAUSE and take a time-out break.   If not, and we continue to ignore the need for self-care,  the screaming child within will keep […]

Do we want to go, North?

Where will the North Star take us?  North, but what if that’s not where we want to go? Arthur Stephen Covey reminds us to start with the end in mind.   Many will rise and shine day after day,  same routine, same thoughts, words, actions continually following the North Star and wondering why nothing is changing.  […]

Do we know our truth?

Every moment is a moment we have to express our truth.  Every word we choose is a declaration about our beliefs.  Every action we decide to take is a manifestation about our truth. Want to know the essence of you?  Listen.


The demands of life will cause us to disconnect.  And, when we do we find ourselves saying and doing the unordinary. Therefore, it is important we, you and I, proactively check in throughout the day to re-integrate, re-connect the emotional mind and spirit.

The world of duality……it’s real

Yes, this world is a world of duality.   A world of ups and downs, hot and cold, right side, left side and yes, negative and positive thoughts.  It’s part of the human experience but does not have to be part of our human condition. And, so the following story is told by a grandfather to his […]

Roads and Ruts

Henry David Thoreau a poet and philosopher writes a single footstep cannot make a path on earth and so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. He goes on to say to create a deep physical path, we have to walk again and again over the same path.  And, to make […]

Stepping out in truth

With every step we take, we are moving from this to that. With every step we take, we let go of something or someone to grab hold of something or someone new. With every step we take into the light, we take a step away from the darkness. Something to think about.  

Say What?

If or when we hear ourselves say, “You made me feel _____,”   STOP and remember this, no person, place or thing can make us, you or me,  feel good or bad, loved or unloved, accepted or unaccepted, angry or peaceful unless we give our power to self-love, self-compassion and self–acceptance over to them.  Maya Angelou […]

Who and what’s in your story-line?

We know everyone has a story; but, do we know what and who makes up our stories? Yes, certainly, our beliefs and perceptions but, did you know who and what we connected to yesterday or who and what we connect to today and how we connect them all into our tomorrows matters more? Booker T. Washington, […]

Is it time?

Is it time we recognize who and what really matters and who and what never did? Is it time our thoughts become heart directed and not head directed? Is it time we live authentically and not fear our vulnerability? Is it time we acknowledge our oneness and know what affects one, effects everyone? is it time…

Check-up from the Neck-up – READY?

Like a computer needing regular updates, our thought processes need regular check-ups and purging.   So, if you are ready, but don’t know where to start,  the following 2 steps can help: Get into your closet and identify your impulse purchases.  Impulsive buying tends to fill our voids.  Perhaps there’s an old file labeled I’m not ____ […]

Transformation…are we ready?

Life offers us opportunities to transform everyday, and with these opportunities and transformations comes a letting go of ____[this] to experience ____[that]. A story – a transformational opportunity came to Charlie the caterpillar. He listened, seized the call, went within and began letting go of what could prevent him from transforming. He threw away I […]

Could it be today?

There will come a time when you and I recognize who and what really matters, who and what never did, and who and what always will.  And, there will come a day and a time when we choose to show up courageously authentic, ready to take a leap of faith, fearing not our vulnerability. Could today be […]


Triggers are emotions we hold deep inside. They are the feelings of disappointments and sounds of alarming thoughts. Triggers will be carried from place to place and  person to person until we choose to stop and unpack old painful memories. Today, we are at a crossroad….do we drop and unpack the emotional baggage leaving the […]

I trust on me moment…..

No matter how big or small, young or old, life will present us with a trust on me  moment. A trust on me moment comes when uncertainty and doubt knocks on our door or when we find ourselves in new situations, approaching the unknown, and the only guidance we hear bubbles up from within. A trust on […]

Something to think about

Ancient Egyptians believe we are asked two questions in the afterlife: 1.  did you bring joy 2.  did you find joy If asked the same questions in our present life, how would we respond? Somethings are worth thinking about.  This is one of those somethings.  🤔  

Choose your time

Time cannot be taken away or restored.   Time is time and changes for everyone by our labels – this is good, this ok, this is not. Today is a new day with 1440 minutes.   Will we live present moment by moment or choose to live our past once again?  

How we love matters

It’s not what we love but HOW we love that matters.  Why? Conditional and Unconditional love influences our patience, kindness and forgiveness toward ourselves and others.  It influences how we remember yesterday and sets expectations for today. Conditional love is an if love – if you do this then _____.  Unconditional love acknowledges all have […]

How determined?

If you and I are determined to pass through the invisible boundaries of biases, grievances, disappointments and hurts then we will advance with success. The question is now is how determined are we?

Time out breaks….A MUST

You and I need time out breaks.   A break from the tasks at hand, to de-stress and re-balance. A time out break is one coping strategy that keeps us motivated, engaged and focus to complete what is before us.   It is a time of refreshing and renewing for the body, mind and spirit. Time out […]

Values – they are important

It is our values, our standard of excellence, that define what we deem important, worthwhile and important. It is our values that: promise we will be respectful to ourselves and others initiate a choice with concern on its impact promote us to lead by example, say what we mean and mean what we say define […]

Darkness, it’s truth

Many equate darkness with challenging times, but, is it true? The truth is life was experienced through darkness.  The minute we were born we went from the darkness of our mother’s womb into light. we plant seeds deep in the darkness of the soil to germinate and grow toward the light. the darkness of the […]

Rite of Passage

Everyday you and I transition to something, someone or someplace.  These transitions are called Rites of Passage. Many will be planned like a wedding, many unplanned like the death of a loved.   In either case, planned or unplanned, transitions happen.  And, how you and I choose to label them (this is good this is […]

Two Voices

You and I have two internal voices – one whispers you can, the other shouts you can’t.  Which one we listen to is our choice. The bumble-bee wanted to fly and, in my  imagination I can hear its internal conversation …..I think I can, but the odds say I can’t… that may be, but something […]

Oh yes you can!

When we find ourselves thinking it’s to late for me or hear ourselves repeating  ‘I’m too old,’ stop and remember, At 69, Ronald Reagan was elected President.  He never thought, I’m too old! At 79, Ben Franklin created bi-focal lens.  Ben never said, I can’t At 80, Christine Brown climbed The Great Wall of China.  Christine always thought and knew […]

What’s my story NOW!

From the beginning it has been and always will be your story.  However, in the past, you may have handed over your pen to others allowing them to direct and produce the story for you; BUT, at what price? So today, I ask, “Have you had enough and, are you ready to take back your […]

Think about this?

If we believed life is impermanent and every feeling a passing memory,  never to be experienced the same again, would we treat every feeling as a precious moment?  Would our actions and words be more from the heart, not the head? And, if we did live our lives in an impermanent way, wouldn’t we be […]

Imagine your moments

Research shows we have between 50,000 and 70,000 thoughts per day and most are unconscious. With this in mind, imagine the many ideas and solutions missed while we were on auto pilot?  Or, imagine how different our choices and life would be if we lived a little more aware?   And, imagine experiencing how our momentum and […]

Asking not Telling

Although true, telling someone who is upset that life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it generally does not help.    In fact, it may create more separation and a deeper disturbance. What will help is demonstrating compassion by asking how can we help support them their way.   

Ready for a NAP?

Tesla, a pioneer in electrical engineering, inventor and eccentric legend, is known to take regular day naps which, in his own words to, ‘recharged his batteries’! According to Dr. Matthew Walker, University of California, napping helps us learn facts more easily after waking.  And, further research shows napping improves decision-making, creativity and sensory perception. Stuck, need a solution, help to […]

Reminded, Reminder

Sometimes we need to be reminded and sometimes we need to be the reminder that: what is focused on becomes bigger, brighter and louder more than not we live much of our time on auto-pilot forgiveness is key to inner peace yesterday can never be repeated and tomorrow is promised to no one there are […]

Do you know your Soul teachers?

Soul teachers help us grow inwardly.   They bring experiences that cause us to be triggered, force us to look inside, find our deepest wounds and heal them.  Soul teachers show up with unfinished lessons in love and forgiveness so we can complete them. Allow me to share 4 of the greatest Soul teachers I know, they are: […]

If we listen, what would we hear?

Our lives become the stories we tell and the character roles we choose to play.  Our stories tell how much into tomorrow we live and how much of the past we still  dramatize and hold onto. But are we listening?

Guarantees in life

Two things I can guarantee we WILL experience in life – difficult paths and difficult people.   Both factual and out of our control. What is not factual and in our control are our emotions – how we choose to perceive the difficulties,  project them on others and play the blame game. How did you do […]

Do you want to?

If we hear ourselves saying, “Oh sure I can, IF I want to,”   then we know we can: Forgive others Let go of hurts Love without conditions Smile at a stranger According to research and some psychologists, our actions and performance are based on our beliefs – If I believe I can, I will and […]

Love, the missing piece

What everyone knows and needs can be found in one song: There’s nothing we can do that can’t be done.    Nothing we can sing that can’t be sung.   Nothing we can say but we can learn how to play the game.    There’s nothing we can make that can’t be made.   No one we […]

What are we willing to do

What are we willing to do to have what we want. In 1970 Honda challenged the American Auto Industry and the rest is history.  Elon Musk, CEO, Business Magnate and Investor, knew what he wanted and what to do when he made cold calls asking business people to lunch to research their successes. Finding what […]

Want more ease and less chaos?

Want your life to be more at ease and less chaotic?   Address challenges like you would solve a puzzle – one piece at a time. First things first, establish boundaries – identify the corners from the puzzle Second, complete the easy tasks – line up the straight pieces of your puzzle Third, separate fact from […]

No, we can’t BUT

No, we can’t control some of our thoughts, memories and feelings that at times just come up.  BUT, we can control how long we choose to camp out with them. No, we can’t control the words and actions of others.  BUT, we can control how we react to them. No, we can’t always agree with […]

One thing that can…..

What is ONE thing that can: lead to peace and understanding find the power to forgive share and speak the same language embrace the lonely and feed the hungry The answer is and always will be: LOVE

When we need to express feelings of …..

When we need to express feelings of disappointment, it is best to follow these five simple guidelines:  Choose a neutral, calming place.  Perhaps somewhere in nature or at a beach.  Choose a time when you are not so tired.   i.e., 10 pm may not be the best time.  Choose first person words – i.e.,  I […]

Ready to decide?

There comes a time in every life when a person needs to decide what type of life they want to experience before proceeding. If you are that person and this is the time, then take the first step and observe your body’s reactions to your self-talk.  Why?  Because, most likely, this is where the problems […]

If you want to, you can!

Want to:  Live a life filled with wonder?   Choose to accept your perfect imperfections.  Live a life filled with ease?   Learn to accept the perfect imperfections of others. Want a new approach to life?  Begin with an attitude of acceptance and choose everyday to see every person, place and thing through the eyes of love.

What can we do?

What can we do? No, we cannot change people’s ugly, unforgiving, jealous, angry behavior, but we can choose to change our behavior. No, we cannot change the conflicts and chaos out there, but we can choose to resolve the conflicts and chaos with our minds and hearts. Mother Teresa knew what to do.  When she […]

What if?

What if everything we said, did or thought echoed back to us?   Would we think differently, choose our words more carefully or pause more frequently before reacting? And, what if we assumed everything and never asked for clarification, would our inner conversation sound like this ….I remember when he/she _______ and I felt________and then this […]

Do you have a dream?

Many wish upon a star and never see their wish come true.  But for Chris Gardner, once homeless now multi-million, he had more than a wish.  He had a dream. If you have a dream, don’t let people tell you, you can’t.    When people can’t believe in their dreams, they are not going to […]

They beckon for our attention

There are many voices in our head.  Some louder than others, some recognizable, some are not; some make us feel good, some do not.  And, the one thing they have in common is they are constantly beckoning for our attention.    Listen carefully because the voice we give our attention to will be the voice […]

What are we identifying with?

Part of our identity is tied to our choices and when we make I’m afraid choices, we limit how far we can grow and go Ronald Reagan did not identify with I’m too old. And, at age 69 ran and won the Presidency of the US.     Yuichiro Miura of Japan did not identify with […]

Decide today!

To Master the Art of Understanding, embrace the three strategies listed below and avoid hearing someone scream, ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME: Stop the dialogue in your head Listen without judgment or giving opinions Ask for clarity, don’t assume you heard_______ A Chinese Philosopher reminds us to truly listen, we empty the mind and listen with […]

Purpose, do you have one?

Are we living for a purpose?  Do we wake each day driven to become the change we want to see? A purpose driven life knows what’s done to one is done to all, that peace for everyone begins with peace within ourselves.   Without a purpose, we see and fuel the flames of ugly and increase […]

Want more or less?

Want more peace?   It’s simple, STOP long enough to look inside for your truth. Want less conflict?   That’s simple too, STOP thinking and comparing what he/she/they should have said or done. Want less confusion?  Really simple, STOP bringing up hurts from the past, let go and forgive. Want more love?  Simply be the love you […]

Where are we putting our rudders?

If you heard yourself say at one time or another, “What was I thinking?” Read on…. As rudders direct ships, our thoughts direct our words and actions. Within moments, experiences are felt, thoughts created or re-created, words are spoken, actions follow and our heaven or hell manifested. Research shows we think approximately 50,000 thoughts per […]

Ready for results?

A majority, if not all, want to grow, contribute, feel alive, reach fulfillment, love and be  loved.  And, if that’s us, you and me,  then embrace the following: To grow, we need to get uncomfortable, widen our boundaries, push through the soil of hard times, think outside the box and take a risk. To contribute, we […]

Inside of us?

Our background experiences may have influenced who we are at the moment, but we are responsible for who we become. Emerson reminds us what lies behind us and what lies in front of us pales in comparison to what lies inside of us. When we decide to be extraordinary, we will be extraordinary.  It’s as […]

Are we living pre-programmed

It is said our world is created by perceptions and we become set free or imprisoned by our pre-programmed thinking. So the next time you feel like screaming….STOP THE WORLD I WANT TO GET OFF, take a breath and ask the following three simple questions: (say your name) – what are you doing? In what […]

Power Words

Never doubt the power behind your words. Research shows words said in anger, hate, fear, etc., send alarming messages to the brain, partially shutting down our ability to reason.   And, an inability to reason can take us to places we would never think to go. Be alert, aware and mindful of your words asking […]

Reacting? PAUSE

When something is misunderstood or perceived incorrectly, we go into reaction mode and shout, “HOW DARE THEY!”  And, if we remain in this state,  we will transfer the, HOW DARE THEY, TO HOW DARE YOU, get stuck in thought and become more and more annoyed and irritated with every person, place and thing including ourselves. […]

Keep Your Energy Flowing!

If we accept the idea that energy follows thoughts then we must also accept that there is no human ability greater than our own thoughts.    For as we think, so we become.  But when our thoughts are conflicting – we believe yet we doubt, we want yet feel undeserving, we desire peace yet we […]

Could it be?

Did you know, to grow and gain height, a snake naturally sheds its old skin.  And, to complete this process, a snake will rub against rough surfaces. Hmmm could this process be an example for us?   Could it be the very thing that rubs us the wrong way, is the very thing that allows us […]

Best times

Did you know the best times to pray and meditate are: When there is unrest or confusion in our minds and hearts. When overwhelmed and we can’t take one more thing. When we need to be refreshed, nurtured and renewed in our bodies, minds and spirits. When we have a need, a want or a […]

Want more joy?

Want more joy?  Check in five times a day! Here’s how: Will you check in each morning intending to focus your attention on what you want and not what you don’t want? Will you check in mid-morning to see if you removed all masks preventing you from being authentic? Will you check in at noon […]

Power behind Words – LISTEN!

Silence is truly golden when it prevents us from speaking into existence the very things we want to avoid. Words have power – by our words we increase our faith and calm or increase our fear and stress.   Therefore, it is wise to mindfully listen to what we are saying.  When we hear ourselves repeating […]

Living in the Flow of Life

Want to live more at ease, more in the flow of life?  Embrace the following 5 easy steps: Let go of trying to control every person.   The only person you can control is YOU.  Remember, not everyone is going to like you, like yourself. Live in the present, in the moment.  Today is a new […]

And it is good!

All things are created three times, once in thought (imagining), then in words, then in actions.  In the beginning, God saw, then said, then created and it was good. Every day we get a chance to create again, to start over.  Every day we get another opportunity to leave old things behind and begin a new thing, […]

Pause and take a Breath

Pause and take a breath before you go from thought to thought to thought.  Forming a habit of continuing this practice, jumping at a high rate of speed from one thought to another, can lead to overwhelm, sleep disorders, binge eating, anxiety, heart and immune disorders. So the next time we begin to feel […]

In conflict?

We live with conflict – Ego vs Spirit.  And, how small or large our conflict depends on the size of our stone.   The bigger the ego, the bigger the stone.  The bigger the stone the bigger the hurt it creates when it is thrown. In conflict, perhaps it is time to lay down your stone […]

Go with the FLOW

Change seems to be happening faster and faster.  So how do we keep our peace in the midst of change?  Remain in the present moment telling present stories. Experiencing change, feeling overwhelmed, anxious and fearful, listen to where you go in  your stories.  Are you drawing from past experiences, fearing what happen then can happen […]

Setting Healthy Boundaries

We cannot experience self-love without experiencing self-care.  And, we cannot experience self-care without setting healthy boundaries. Having healthy boundaries prevents burnout caused by over committing. Self-care avoids compassion fatigue empowering us to say NO not this time without guilt, shame and blame. Self-love keeps our peace and avoid the stress of accepting too many unnecessary […]

Ever Wonder?????

Ever wonder after all is said and done, why we continually find it difficult to describe specifically what we really want?   And, why is it so challenging to quiet our minds for 1 or 2 minutes to just focus on our breath? If today, we were given three wishes, ever wonder what the third, second […]

A Reminder

What are we grateful for today? If you said NOTHING because you had a bad day, then think, what could you be grateful for at this moment?   Could it be your physical abilities, the food in your pantry, the AC that keeps you cool or the blanket that keeps you warm? So, what are you […]

Ouch-es – resist persists!

Do we believe the statement what we resist persists?   If yes, then why do we deny our ouch-es – the people places and things that trigger us time after time, day after day? Let today be your day, your enough is enough day, your break through the resistance day to face and resolve the […]

Mind Travel

Where will we mind travel today?   Will we go to the new shores of possibilities, love and friendships, or return to the shores of defeat, impossibilities and despair? What is visited over and over again in our minds will eventually become our reality.  So, before setting sail ask, “Do, I really want to go […]

Wiser and Learning

We say we are wise, but are we?   We say we have learned, but did we? With wisdom comes understanding without judgment, acts of kindness without expectations and appreciation for the little things. With wisdom comes love and a life filled with meaning. We know we have learned when we can let go and […]

Do you know your Spiritual IQ?

Do you know your Spiritual IQ?   Do you want to find out?  If yes, on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 is the highest) rate the following questions and uncover your Spiritual IQ: *Do I easily forgive and let go of past hurts and disappointments? 1…….2…….3……4…….5…….6…….7…….8……9…..10 *Do I take most things, what people do […]

Thoughts, original or not?

Are your thoughts original or a reflection of yesterday’s with new wording?  Are we creating new habits or repeating old ones with different actions?  Are we on auto-pilot expecting life to be different for us? When we turn off the auto-pilot mind we allow the mind of our inner child to turn on.  And, then we […]

Freedom Day

Today is Independence Day.  A day we are at choice again.   A day we are free to express ourselves and choose our attitude. Today is freedom day.   A day not to be taken for granted, but to live with a deep sense of gratitude. Grateful for America and grateful to our Creator.

There is a Divine Order

There is Divine Order in all things if we are patient and stop over analyzing.    There is Divine Order in chaos, when things seem to be out of control, if we remain in the present moment. There is Divine Order when we become the observer and not the judge.  There is Divine Order when we […]

Our True Essence

When we recognize our true essence, we live knowing we are more than our five senses.  We walk by faith fearless, courageous unmoved.  We become the knowing that there is something bigger than you or I could ever imagine. We become the flow, resisting nothing.  We become the peace that surpasses all understanding.    We become free […]

Other ways

It seems life offers a multitude of choices.   We can live influenced by past experiences, limiting our joy OR We can actively listen and consider new possibilities; We can stop making excuses for our uniqueness and show up authentically; We can accept that we are the only one who can make us happy; We can […]

There is still time!

Did you know a thought, word and action repeated over and over will eventually become your reality?  Not sure?  Look around at the reality your repetitive thoughts, words and action created. BUT, there is still time to change; to distance yourself from chaotic, fearful thoughts to those of calm and expansion.   There is still time […]

Attitudes and Labels, we all have them.

Attitudes and labels determine how we perceive our conditions.    They create a push for us to collect evidence in thoughts, words and actions to back up perceptions caused by our beliefs. A simple shift in attitude, a change in a label and we rise above the conditions. When we understand and accept nothing in life […]


Ever wonder what life is about?   For me, life is: not how or why you sing this song or that song, but finding the courage to sing a song. not how often or how long you meditate, but that you spend time with you and your Creator. not about filling your life with doing this […]

Life is……

Life is one big tapestry.    A magnificent mosaic filled with our stories, emotions, loves, losses, places, friends, family, regrets, joy, anger, happy times, not so happy times and more. Every experience enables us to create, change and complete another piece.  Today, take time to look and see a wonder called YOU.

Is it time?

Time waits for no one to ask is it time to: stop allowing your inner critic to bully you open your heart and receive your good release and make peace with the past accept yourself with all your perfect imperfections stop fearing and trust the unknown to your Creator cease telling old stories and create […]

Choosing your mindset

We are at choice today.   Do we want to live in the quiet or chaotic mind? The quiet mind remains present, hears the still small voice of God’s calm and focuses on gratitude.   A quiet mind breaths deeply, smiles and relaxes the shoulders. The chaotic mind remains in the past.  It brings past experiences into […]

Need to feel connected…..”

Need to feel connected, safe and guided? Take a walk with nature and feel the breeze caressing you. Listen to the birds and open your heart to hear a guided message. See the trees yield to the wind and embrace the benefits of non-resistance. Smell the scent off fresh-cut grass or a field of flowers and […]

Keep on smiling

Why is smiling so important? Here’s 2 reasons why: *a smile activates endorphins and serotonin that relaxes the body releasing stress and retrains the brain to feel better.    Author Shawn Achor, of The Happiness Advantage, writes when we make smiling part of our everyday practice, we help our brains create happiness loops that encourage more positive-thinking patterns. […]

How low do we want to go?

How low do we want to go?   When we find negative thinking taking us down thought by thought what do we do? The following are two strategies to consider: Change your physiology, stretch, jump, stand, run in place, etc.  Changing our physical bodies interrupts stinking thinking. Ask questions, what time is it, what time is […]

What do you want?

Life should not be that complicated. An easy way to uncover what you want is to list all the things you don’t want.  When unsure of who or what to become, list everything you don’t want to become.  Then, look and see YOUR TRUTH.  And, your truth will set you free.

And, the answer is?

What do we want to experience? If we look only at limitations and what’s wrong, we will only see limitations and what’s wrong. If we only see partly cloudy days, we will not look for the sun that’s partly shining. If we only think “Not me, I Can’t do that”,  then, we will not try […]

One experience or 365 – choose!

Everyday we choose to live one experience for 365 days or 365 experiences, one for each day. So we pray, God help me to forgive and let go of disappointing hurtful memories from my yesterdays.  Help me to open my heart a little more each day and welcome my new experience for this my new and only […]

Words are telling!

Words by themselves do not have power.   We give them power with our feelings. Words filled with love and an attitude of compassion ignite life and healing to someone hurting.  But words filled with discourse and hate crush a spirit.   A harsh answer fueled by our ego stirs up anger but a gentle reply from […]

This Present Moment

There is a place where we stop struggling against fear and uncertainty.   That place can only be found in this our present moment.  And, in the present moment and in the next and the next…..we find our rest.

Do you know your teachers?

Can we recognize our teachers by the following hints: People, places and things that trigger us Life’s unexpected disappointments and frustrations Waiting for things to happen The __________(fill in the blanks). Confucius reminds us – if we understand our teachers, we will understand ourselves.  And, so he writes –  If I am walking with two […]

Find out……enlightened or unenlightened

We choose to live enlightened: when we see beauty in everyone we meet when we look for opportunities in everything – even our irritations when we focus on the present moment, letting go of yesterday and tomorrow when we become what we want others to be when we walk in peace, compassion and love when […]

How significant do you feel?

It is said a basic human need is to feel significant.  And, if we accept this truth, who would we follow – Mother Teresa or other? Mother Teresa decided her significance would come from within.   She choose acts of kindness, compassion and love to determine her significance.  Others decided it would come from outside themselves […]

Would or Will YOU?

If you could, would you? Would you believe in the gift of dreams and in your creative ability to manifest them or believe no good comes from complaining? Would you believe thoughts create feelings, and feelings ignite words, and words catapult action or believe there is a Divine spark in your heart with the power to heal? Would you […]

Seize this your new day

How did we wake up today?   Did we hear oh God another day, oh God I have to make that call, oh God I _____.  Or, did we hear thank you God for this day, my health, family, my job, my _____. As we start our car engines in the morning, our minds need […]

Life, what it is and not

Ever wonder what life is about? For me life is about the choices I’ve made, are making, will make and the meaning I put behind them.   It’s not about yesterday or tomorrow, it’s about today.    Life isn’t about how much or how little it rains,  but how loud I decide to sing and dance […]

Is it a dream or a wish?

Are we dreamers or stronger wishers? Dr. King was a dreamer and acted on it.   He did not sit starry-eyed wishing on the brightest star – Sirius.    He did not allow naysayers to have the last word about his dream.  He owned it. Dreamers do not look at their surroundings for proof, nor do […]

Do we really know?

What does it take to really know yourself? To know yourself takes courage and accountability. It takes a willingness to see the truth from the inside out. To know yourself is to identify your opportunities, recognize your strengths and build on them. It takes awareness and acknowledgement of what we know and don’t know. To know […]

What did you say?

We are reminded – it is one thing to be thought of as foolish, it’s another to open our mouths and prove it. A good thing to remember before we utter a word.   To those who think before they speak, who pause before responding, will be thought powerful and wise.   But, to those who react and […]

How busy are you?

Are you among the many who have habitual busyness?   Who continue repeating there’s not enough time in a day – even though everyone has 1440 minutes in a day? Listen, to your response when asked, “How are you?”   Do you hear a laundry list of to-dos, tasks, busyness?  If so, PAUSE, take a BREATHE, RELAX […]

Listen, what do you hear?

We are told, every story should have a beginning, middle and end. But, some stories seem to never end because the storytellers choose to tell the same story over and over again. We are told, every story has different roles played by different characters. But, some storytellers choose to the same story, play the same […]

We are at choice

Three ways to live a happy life: Decide to Decide to Decide to We are at choice.   When we decide to live a happy life we find things to smile at, identify people, places and things to be grateful for and let go of yesterday.  

Want more peace?

Want more peace, embrace the following Q & A from the movie The Way of the Peaceful Warrior: Question                  Answer Who Am I?               This Moment! Where Am I?            Here! What Time Is It?       Now! When we live mindfully in the present moment […]

Today, we are at choice

Clouds can cover the sun, but they cannot stop the sun from shining.  And, so it is with our  fears and disappointments – they cannot stop us from our dream without our permission. In 1953, three neighborhood vocalist came together and sang their dream.  They proved life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how […]

Are we ready?

We increase effectively: when we pause to process asking what’s happening before reacting when we check in from the inside out, pray then proceed when we recognize for every YES, there are as many NOs when we look at behind the scenes, our WHYs then plan accordingly when we accept that we control our choices, triggers […]

A Meaningful Specific

Did you know that people who get up and make their bed are happier and exercise regularly.  Why?  Because they get up with specific intentions.  They decided to be meaningful specifics not wondering generalities (Zig). Poet Robert Frost made his bed and set an intention to have a good day everyday and it is reported […]

No dream is too extreme

Disney reminds us in a song of the many possibilities that can come true……..when your heart is in your dream, no dream is too extreme.    Amazon knew this and today we have Alexa. Everyday researches dream and at the Center for Immuno-Oncology conduct studies that unleash the power of the body’s immune system to detect and combat […]

Beautiful Music

When we play our music, we play the note of NO not YES when our boundaries are crossed.   By allowing our heart note to play and the heart notes of others, a symphony filled with beautiful music is heard. Listen!    

Moments of oops

We will experience moments of oops if we are not mindful and present. We will hear oops – and repeat I did it again, I gave away my power to choose.  Why? We will think oops – I can’t do that and underestimate your power.  Why? We will feel oops – I won’t let go […]

Know this…….

Three things in life are for sure: change happens change is promised to everyone change creates uncomfortable, uncertainty and anxious feelings Now we are at choice, we can go with the flow of change or resist it; and, either way, change does not need our approval, ask for our permission or if we are ready.  […]

Are we living enlightened?

How will we know we are living enlightened? We will know when we are mindful of our surroundings, aware of our thoughts, careful with our words and accountable for our actions;  when we understand why we made this choice over that one; when the beliefs that no longer serve us are released and, our responses […]

An Attitude of Gratitude

The benefits of living with a grateful heart go on an on.  The following benefits are just the beginning: We increase in understanding, become aware of our fears, alert to our worries We are more accepting of ourselves and others We self-care more, walk in nature and become one with its calm We learn to love […]

Busy Behavior

Do we have busy behaviors?   Do we find ourselves arranging, rearranging schedules to accommodate every person, place or thing?   If yes, STOP and get quite.  In our stillness we go beyond the act of doing to just BEING. In stillness we access and become everything we are meant to be with serenity and ease.   Peace […]


We are reminded from within a light shines through us and that light is all there is. When we remain connected to that light what was unseen is now seen. There is a path within filled with peace and serenity.  Go there.    

Darkness or Light, what will we choose?

At one or more times in our lives, we will experience our darkest hour.    In this moment of hopelessness and despair it is imperative to command your mind to be still and allow God to be God. In these moments of darkness, decide to turn away from your human seeing and look with your […]

Inspired or not

What inspired or de-inspired you this morning?   Did you start today hypnotized with yesterday’s thoughts, words and actions or de-hypnotized with new thoughts, words and actions? If we believe we came into this world to succeed, we will speak and act on that thought.  However, if we believe we came into this world victimized, our […]

Your instrument Your notes

Be mindful of your thoughts.   The mind is a wonderful instrument needing fine tuning moment to moment.    Listen intently, do you hear the note of anger,  are you playing the key of fear? We are a choice,  control the strings of negative thoughts, continue playing in the wrong key or fine tune them and […]

Do we know?

We are reminded to know yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.  Therefore what comes after our “I AM” is telling. When we know who we are, we will be mindful of the following: We will live with an open heart We will live without judgments We will live taking nothing personally We will live […]

How we love matters

Love is a strong motivating force experienced through our thoughts and senses.   And, how we experience love is a choice. If we choose to love conditionally, we experience love that is often fleeting and temporary.  But, if we choose to love without conditions, unconditionally, we find a love that’s everlasting. When we love unconditionally,  Love […]

Did you know?

Did you know peace is your natural state of being?  BUT, you will never experience a life filled with peace while holding on to anger. And, did you know love is your natural state of being?  BUT, you will not experience pure love without holding unforgiveness in your heart. Now that you know, how will […]

Why Compassion?

Why compassion? Three reasons, compassion:  increases understanding to heal a broken hearts  makes sad times more tolerable through acts of kindness  opens the heart to receive and give forgiveness But, most importantly, compassion demonstrates love for ourselves and others. Why compassion, why not? 

Pause and Receive

Take nothing for granted.  Live grateful for everything and everyone for nothing lasts forever – coffee gets cold, babies grow up, things get old, people come and people go. Just for today, pause to see and receive your blessing.  Then, just for tomorrow, do it again.

How will you choose?

It is said, the monsters in our lives are the massive thoughts and limitations we accept as our truth.  And, if we embrace that truth, we are assured to experience it. BUT, if we are opened to accepting massive amounts of love and forgiveness, the monsters and limitations dissipate.  WHY, because we cannot serve two […]

What’s important to you?

What is important to you? Is it taking a moment to breathe the fresh-cut grass or listen to the birds singing for you in the morning?   Is it taking a walk on the beach to reconnect with yourself and the Creator?  Or, is it the feeling of wonder after being touched by an angel? When […]

Five common desires

I have found the following five desires, deep within our core, are shared by everyone: We want to be loved – accepted with all our perfect imperfections We want to be heard – know that someone wants and cares enough to listen We want  peace – within ourselves and with others We want to be […]

If I can only imagine

Th term imagination comes from a Latin verb imaginari meaning to picture oneself.   When we choose to awaken the power of imagination we see ourselves as giants among grasshoppers,  we see doors of opportunities open, we uncover new ideas and we manifest solutions.  The Wright Brothers did and today we fly, Steve Jobs did and […]

Don’t wait

Don’t wait for everything to be perfect, spread your wings in faith and courageously take the next step, then the next. Life is not about the what ifs holding us back.  It’s about laughing at our perfect imperfections and sharing smiles with strangers.   Life is about living our dreams then helping others live theirs.  

Choose and Receive

Life offers 2 choices to live by. We can live by faith trusting behind the stormy clouds the sun is shining or live in fear thinking the sun will never shine again.   We can live in faith believing things will turn around or live in doubt believing things will never change. Either way, we […]

Building by choice

We can believe in the life we’re dealt or deal the life we believe.   Man is his own star, Emerson writes and the labels we place on ourselves influence our fate. Keep this in mind when we are at choice and ask, “Am I pouring my concrete and building my monument or letting others […]

Life is filled with learning…….

If life was a classroom, what do you want to learn?  And, if life were filled with learning, what class should we consider? Disappointed, check the blackboard in your heart and sign up for classes on Forgiveness of self and others. Angry, check the blackboard in your heart and sign up for classes on Love […]

Want more peace, then….

When we want more peace, we choose to let go of past hurts and disappoints we let go of the “get even” mindset and drop the hot coals we decide to open our hearts long enough to forgive Peace  can only find its place in our hearts when allow the healing to begin.

Mirror Mirror on the wall…….

Ever wonder what your mirror will show if you opened your heart to see? Mirror practice exposes fear, reveals hurts and can set us free.   The more we practice, the more we understand our woundedness.   When our woundedness is exposed, the more self-compassion we can give and receive.    And, the more self-compassion is […]

Let’s go to the movies

When we choose to see a scary movie we expect to be afraid and we are.   When we choose to see a comedy, we expect to laugh and we do.   But what about the movies we play in our minds?  Are they bringing the expected outcome we want? Everyday we have the opportunity to […]

Fear or Faith, you choose!

Everyone experiences fear and some fears are necessary reminders such as look both ways when crossing the street.  And, although some fears keep us from danger, some hold us in captivity. Recognizing fear as a false expectation appearing real, we step out of its shadows and into the light.   We decide to walk by […]

Just because…….

Just because our lives have taken us to this place in time does not mean its the wrong place in time.  If we live believing in coincidences we will wonder what went wrong.    If we acknowledge where we are is where we’re suppose to be, we look for possibilities. When we see a day as […]

Do it again!

You may never know why that one act of kindness made the difference in someone’s life, but it did.   So do it again

Living in the wonder of a child

Do you want to live in the wonder of a child?   If yes, then  think like a child. A child does not relive yesterday’s games but focuses on the games at hand.   Children draw on their imagination and find creative ways of expression.  A child creates fun out of wondering and seeing possibilities. And, now […]

Unstoppable, if willing……..

Life is filled with ups, downs, stops and starts.  BUT are we willing to perceive them in the moment and not make them about yesterday’s experiences or tomorrow’s uncertainties? When we decide to change the meaning behind our perceptions, conditions change.  Our hills and valleys are seen as hills and valleys, our stops and starts […]

Listen and Love

Life begins with a heart beat and love is between the beats. When we listen with our hearts, people, places and things become less annoying. When we love between the beats, we find peace and create more joy. When we listen and love, we become the light the world longs to see. Now, just for […]

Everyday we …….

Everyday we learn or teach from what we think and/or say. With our words, we teach others to be strong and courageous.  With our words we offer hope and support. With our thoughts, we learn to let go, release and forgive so we can begin once more with a new story. Everyday we enter the […]

And, now we know!

If we knew living mindful of the present moment, aware of repetitive hurtful past stories causes undo stress and is harmful to our health, would we live mindfully? If we knew living mindfully, alert and expecting new opportunities each day would increase fulfillment and joy, would we choose to live mindfully?   Or, if we knew […]

I just wish I could have…….

It is said,  we cannot do a kind gesture too soon for we never know how soon it will be too late.  And, we can never say I love you often enough because tomorrow may be too late. Today, find a minute, or two, or three or more to share your love and kindness, and […]

Pay it forward

Who showed you a way and supported you so you could grow?   And, who are we suppporting now? A foundation is poured before a beautiful skyscraper can be built, but someone had to provide pouring directions. A seed is planted and a flower grows, but someone had to provide the seed. When we look […]

It’s Gift Giving Time

There are so many gifts you can give yourself, but the most meaningful and everlasting are the following four: to accept and love who you are with all perfect imperfections to understand you did your best with what you knew at the time to appreciate and recognize your efforts to forgive yourself and let go […]

How flexible are we?

The word flexibility has multiple meanings and varies from person to person.   For some, flexibility means bendable, pliable, malleable, moldable, adaptability and resilient.  For others, it means open to new ideas, willing to compromise and see from another’s point of view.    To know and understand your flexibility quotient, join me in the following experiment.  […]