The image we project directly influences how we feel about ourselves and how we are perceived by others. There is much to be said for the 20 second first impression rule – good or not so good – your presence is telling.   Do you know the story your image projects and is it the one you want to tell.

Do you find yourself standing in front of the closet packed with fashion saying, “And the reason I purchased this was?”

Creating a brand is a matter of understanding the “how to”  whether you are a career executive,  stay at home mom,  professional teacher, grandparent, dieter and more.  We are multifaceted individuals who can make the most of our image.

Find your “aha” moment, call now to schedule your appointment and learn strategies behind your – Wardrobe Basics,  Best and Complimentary Colors, Clothing Personality, Accessorizing,  Body and Face Shape and your Non-Verbal Communication of Style.