How curious are we?

So how curious are we? It is curiosity that keep stretching the minds of scientists and today we have traveled to Mars. It is curiosity that leads medical professionals to uncover and continue to uncover cures for dis-ease. It is curiosity that leads businessmen like Elon Musk to discover cars that do not run on […]

Oh yes you can!

When we find ourselves thinking it’s to late for me or hear ourselves repeating  ‘I’m too old,’ stop and remember, At 69, Ronald Reagan was elected President.  He never thought, I’m too old! At 79, Ben Franklin created bi-focal lens.  Ben never said, I can’t At 80, Christine Brown climbed The Great Wall of China.  Christine always thought and knew […]

Reminded, Reminder

Sometimes we need to be reminded and sometimes we need to be the reminder that: what is focused on becomes bigger, brighter and louder more than not we live much of our time on auto-pilot forgiveness is key to inner peace yesterday can never be repeated and tomorrow is promised to no one there are […]

Setting Healthy Boundaries

We cannot experience self-love without experiencing self-care.  And, we cannot experience self-care without setting healthy boundaries. Having healthy boundaries prevents burnout caused by over committing. Self-care avoids compassion fatigue empowering us to say NO not this time without guilt, shame and blame. Self-love keeps our peace and avoid the stress of accepting too many unnecessary […]

Need to feel connected…..”

Need to feel connected, safe and guided? Take a walk with nature and feel the breeze caressing you. Listen to the birds and open your heart to hear a guided message. See the trees yield to the wind and embrace the benefits of non-resistance. Smell the scent off fresh-cut grass or a field of flowers and […]

What do you want?

Life should not be that complicated. An easy way to uncover what you want is to list all the things you don’t want.  When unsure of who or what to become, list everything you don’t want to become.  Then, look and see YOUR TRUTH.  And, your truth will set you free.

Do we really know?

What does it take to really know yourself? To know yourself takes courage and accountability. It takes a willingness to see the truth from the inside out. To know yourself is to identify your opportunities, recognize your strengths and build on them. It takes awareness and acknowledgement of what we know and don’t know. To know […]