Need to feel connected…..”

Need to feel connected, safe and guided? Take a walk with nature and feel the breeze caressing you. Listen to the birds and open your heart to hear a guided message. See the trees yield to the wind and embrace the benefits of non-resistance. Smell the scent off fresh-cut grass or a field of flowers and […]

How busy are you?

Are you among the many who have habitual busyness?   Who continue repeating there’s not enough time in a day – even though everyone has 1440 minutes in a day? Listen, to your response when asked, “How are you?”   Do you hear a laundry list of to-dos, tasks, busyness?  If so, PAUSE, take a BREATHE, RELAX […]

Beautiful Music

When we play our music, we play the note of NO not YES when our boundaries are crossed.   By allowing our heart note to play and the heart notes of others, a symphony filled with beautiful music is heard. Listen!    

Who’s in charge?

Who was in charge today, your Ego or Spirit? When ego is in charge, we are pushed to perform because everyone feels like competition.  An ego mind in charge lives with an unquenchable desire to be better than everyone, dissatisfied with our best and disappointed with our accomplishments.    On the other hand, when our Spirit […]