Time out breaks….A MUST

You and I need time out breaks.   A break from the tasks at hand, to de-stress and re-balance. A time out break is one coping strategy that keeps us motivated, engaged and focus to complete what is before us.   It is a time of refreshing and renewing for the body, mind and spirit. Time out […]

Asking not Telling

Although true, telling someone who is upset that life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it generally does not help.    In fact, it may create more separation and a deeper disturbance. What will help is demonstrating compassion by asking how can we help support them their way.   

Need to feel connected…..”

Need to feel connected, safe and guided? Take a walk with nature and feel the breeze caressing you. Listen to the birds and open your heart to hear a guided message. See the trees yield to the wind and embrace the benefits of non-resistance. Smell the scent off fresh-cut grass or a field of flowers and […]