We believe?

What do we believe? Do we believe life is more than roadblocks, broken dreams, heartaches? Do we believe everyone is Divinely guided and loved equally? Do we believe everyone receives what they believe, think and talk about all the time? If you never asked yourself a question or did and blew off the answer, today […]

Faith is…..

Faith for me is: Recognizing an experience or event for what it is and not ask why. Believing in my hopes and dreams even when there is no evidence. Suspending my judgments. Believing that in everything there is a purpose even when I don’t understand. Accepting life is for me. Knowing that something bigger than […]

Darkness, it’s truth

Many equate darkness with challenging times, but, is it true? The truth is life was experienced through darkness.  The minute we were born we went from the darkness of our mother’s womb into light. we plant seeds deep in the darkness of the soil to germinate and grow toward the light. the darkness of the […]

Attitudes and Labels, we all have them.

Attitudes and labels determine how we perceive our conditions.    They create a push for us to collect evidence in thoughts, words and actions to back up perceptions caused by our beliefs. A simple shift in attitude, a change in a label and we rise above the conditions. When we understand and accept nothing in life […]

Are we living enlightened?

How will we know we are living enlightened? We will know when we are mindful of our surroundings, aware of our thoughts, careful with our words and accountable for our actions;  when we understand why we made this choice over that one; when the beliefs that no longer serve us are released and, our responses […]

How will you choose?

It is said, the monsters in our lives are the massive thoughts and limitations we accept as our truth.  And, if we embrace that truth, we are assured to experience it. BUT, if we are opened to accepting massive amounts of love and forgiveness, the monsters and limitations dissipate.  WHY, because we cannot serve two […]

If I can only imagine

Th term imagination comes from a Latin verb imaginari meaning to picture oneself.   When we choose to awaken the power of imagination we see ourselves as giants among grasshoppers,  we see doors of opportunities open, we uncover new ideas and we manifest solutions.  The Wright Brothers did and today we fly, Steve Jobs did and […]