If then……

There are many IF WE KNEW then we would…..but for now, let’s begin with the following three: If we knew then how we showed up in life, at work, in our neighborboods or at home, would effect our next steps, would we have showed up as unmotivated, unfriendly, resistant to listen, love and learn? If […]

Stepping out in truth

With every step we take, we are moving from this to that. With every step we take, we let go of something or someone to grab hold of something or someone new. With every step we take into the light, we take a step away from the darkness. Something to think about.  

Think about this?

If we believed life is impermanent and every feeling a passing memory,  never to be experienced the same again, would we treat every feeling as a precious moment?  Would our actions and words be more from the heart, not the head? And, if we did live our lives in an impermanent way, wouldn’t we be […]

Pause and take a Breath

Pause and take a breath before you go from thought to thought to thought.  Forming a habit of continuing this practice, jumping at a high rate of speed from one thought to another, can lead to overwhelm, sleep disorders, binge eating, anxiety, heart and immune disorders.  http://www.womenshealthmag.com/health/a18198138/mind-body-connection-illnesses/ So the next time we begin to feel […]