Follow the….

It has been proven time and time again if you follow the money you will find the culprit.   And, so it is with our unconscious thoughts. If we, you and I,  follow our actions, we will uncover our words.  And, if we follow our words, we will find the culprit – our thoughts. As Commodore […]

How to avoid OVERWHELM

The word ‘OVERWHELM’ is a term we are hearing more now than ever before.  It is a term that describes a feeling of being buried under a huge amount of _____(you can fill in the blank).    We, you and I, will experience the feeling of being overwhelmed at some or many points of our […]


The demands of life will cause us to disconnect.  And, when we do we find ourselves saying and doing the unordinary. Therefore, it is important we, you and I, proactively check in throughout the day to re-integrate, re-connect the emotional mind and spirit.

How determined?

If you and I are determined to pass through the invisible boundaries of biases, grievances, disappointments and hurts then we will advance with success. The question is now is how determined are we?

Values – they are important

It is our values, our standard of excellence, that define what we deem important, worthwhile and important. It is our values that: promise we will be respectful to ourselves and others initiate a choice with concern on its impact promote us to lead by example, say what we mean and mean what we say define […]

Do you want to?

If we hear ourselves saying, “Oh sure I can, IF I want to,”   then we know we can: Forgive others Let go of hurts Love without conditions Smile at a stranger According to research and some psychologists, our actions and performance are based on our beliefs – If I believe I can, I will and […]

Is it a dream or a wish?

Are we dreamers or stronger wishers? Dr. King was a dreamer and acted on it.   He did not sit starry-eyed wishing on the brightest star – Sirius.    He did not allow naysayers to have the last word about his dream.  He owned it. Dreamers do not look at their surroundings for proof, nor do […]

Listen and Love

Life begins with a heart beat and love is between the beats. When we listen with our hearts, people, places and things become less annoying. When we love between the beats, we find peace and create more joy. When we listen and love, we become the light the world longs to see. Now, just for […]